Midland Trading (PTE) Co. Ltd.?
大連中道貿易有限公司是集生產和貿易為一體的綜合貿易公司,自1997年成立以來,產品銷往世界各地,并獲得客戶的良好贊譽。 現公司主要產品包括如下系列:
1.No-hub fitting & pipe according to CISPI301 standard, at same time we also can supply the all size of coupling which is suitable for No-hub fitting & pipe.
2.No-hub fitting & pipe according to EN877 standard
3.Coupling for no-hub fitting & pipe
4.Ductile iron fitting according to BS4772/ISO2531, AWWA C110/153 standard
5.Various kinds of hose clamp
6.Scaffolding & Formwork accessories
7.Cast iron & Ductile cast manhole cover
8.Various kinds of iron wire & stripmesh & wire neting
還可以撥打:86-411-82776067 / 82776167 地址:大連市中山區職工街100號,嘉禾大廈B座1418室
版權所有:大連中道貿易有限公司 技術支持:銘科網絡 備案號:遼ICP備18016495號-1